Accountancy at Wake Forest

Bachelor of Science

The Accountancy major at Wake Forest provides a foundation in the concepts, principles and practices of accountancy and business that students need for success in a variety of careers.

Did You Know?

  • A national leader in the field, Wake Forest offers thorough career preparation and comprehensive curriculum. 
  • Wake Forest has led the nation in average certification exam passage rate over the past 20 years and has placed in the top five spots in a majority of those years.


Sample courses for students studying Accountancy include:

  • Taxes and their Role in Personal and Business Decisions
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Professional and Ethical Responsibilities of Accountants
  • Strategic Management

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Practical Experience & Skills

A paid, professional internship is strongly recommended and built into the curriculum during senior year. This internship provides the critical link between classroom knowledge and professional experience. The major also lays the academic and experiential groundwork for students to successfully complete the one-year STEM-designated Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA) degree.

Students in this program will develop the following skills:

  • Analyze and interpret numerical data
  • Aptitude for accuracy and detail
  • Logical problem solving
  • Proficiency with computers
  • Interpret and explain financial data

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Clubs & Organizations

Accountancy students participate in the following programs:

Career Outcomes

Careers that often interest Accountancy majors include:

  • Commercial Banking
  • Consulting
  • Financial Services
  • Investment Banking
  • Public Accounting

In addition to Big Six firms, graduates have been administrative leaders in banking; executives for National Football League teams; and agents in the FBI and other law-enforcement agencies.

Ready to take the next step?

Related Programs

Those who are interested in Accountancy also consider the following programs:


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