Business & Enterprise Management

Bachelor of Science

The Business & Enterprise Management major is designed to preserve a generalist business curriculum that develops in students a holistic and integrated perspective of business while simultaneously giving them a unique and compelling story to tell about themselves, their aspirations, and their business education.

Did You Know?

  • The Business & Enterprise Management major offers a comprehensive classroom curriculum and real-world experience in one dynamic degree. An internship is a graduation requirement, and it’s one of several benefits in the program. 
  • BEM offers opportunities in specifically enumerated concentrations (marketing; international business; new business development; management consulting) and the flexibility to design your own area of expertise. 
  • BEM is the fourth most popular major at Wake Forest and the most popular in the School of Business among graduates in the past five years (2019-23).


Sample courses for students studying Business & Enterprise Management include:

  • Human Resource Management
  • Marketing Research
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Brand Management and New Product Development

View official major requirements »

Practical Experience & Skills

Key curriculum components include a practicum experience consisting of a required internship combined with a reflective overview and personal portfolio component, a professional development workshop series, a Capstone Leadership Experience, a 3-course concentration, and a unique structure for the required organizational behavior and strategic management courses.

Business and Enterprise Management is one of the rare business majors in the country that allows customization according to the student’s interests. In addition to providing students with a strong foundation in business knowledge and skills, on-the-job internship experience, professional development and leadership training, students can choose to build on their talents by selecting one of the following concentrations or designing their own:

  • Marketing
  • International Business
  • New Business Development
  • Nonprofit
  • Build your own

Students in this program will develop the following skills:

  • Ability to clearly communicate ideas and concepts to others
  • Ability to solve problems and make appropriate decisions
  • Strong background in business, marketing, and human relations
  • Aptitude for leadership
  • Ability to inspire productivity and exact loyalty from others
  • Intellectual capacity to perform well in most undergraduate and graduate college programs

Get to know our Personal & Career Development Center

Clubs & Organizations

Business & Enterprise Management students participate in the following clubs and organizations:

  • Case Competition Club
  • Dow Jones Club
  • Management and Consulting Club
  • Finance Club
  • Alpha Kappa Psi
  • Campus Grounds

Career Outcomes

Careers that often interest Business & Enterprise Management majors include:

  • Financial Consultants
  • Credit Analysts
  • Accountants

Our graduates have worked as an astronaut trainee at NASA; a data analyst in Major League Baseball; teachers; lawyers; and doctors.

Ready to take the next step?

Related Programs

Those who are interested in Business & Enterprise Management also consider the following programs:


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2023-24 Undergraduate Viewbook