All the Campus is a Stage.
Or a canvas, a dance floor or a concert hall. As a student at Wake Forest, you’ll find yourself within arm’s reach of artistic expression at all times, and that includes the greater Winston-Salem community and its many opportunities to experience or participate in the fine arts.
Wake the Arts!
Enriching Wake Forest’s campus, culture and curriculum through the power of expression
Unleash your creativity.
Some people talk about the creative process in terms of the Muse. But however we refer to it, participating in the arts can provide an escape from self-consciousness. That freedom may be discovered across a diversity of artistic disciplines, each of which is offered at Wake Forest.
Follow your bliss below.

Theatre & Dance
The Wake Forest Theatre department allows students to participate from their first year, and performs, on average, four major productions per academic year that are open to the entire student body.

Film Studies
Students approach the study of film through courses that explore their cultural, political, and social implications. They can participate in the annual Reynolda Film Festival of student films from around the world where they’ll meet filmmakers and screen their films.

The art department is committed to combining the practice of art and the study of art history in order to foster an understanding of the complex potential of visual communication and culture.

The music department encompasses the breadth of music. Students can study a number of music genres with dedicated faculty who have internationally recognized research and performance expertise.

Creative Writing
Students who study creative writing will gain valuable opportunities to publish their creative writing through coursework and campus publications.

Places & Spaces
Our students have the opportunity to access professional quality stages, shops, studios, and galleries. Learn about the spaces that expand Arts opportunities for students across campus and beyond.
Explore our arts scene.
Whether attending the Secrest Artist Series, visiting our on-campus art museums, or in individualized instruction from scholars in art, at Wake Forest you will find that deep, abiding satisfaction that derives from what poet Audre Lorde calls the “life appeal and fulfillment” of the arts.