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Let’s Connect!

A liberal-arts education is about freedom. And we want to offer you the freedom to choose a number—or all!—of our online and in-person information sessions, featuring voices from throughout Wake Forest’s campus. Please take a look below for more information on our offerings.

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Connect Virtually

Our live virtual information sessions will help you understand how you may actualize your potential at Wake Forest.

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Watch Online

With our information-session video, we offer insiders’ looks at Wake Forest University, where we demystify our argot and our approach. We hope you’ll join us!

In-Person Presentation


Hear from an Admissions representative and get a comprehensive overview of Wake Forest, the Deacon details of our admissions process, and personal Wake Forest stories.

Virtual Information Sessions

Join our Virtual Information Session to learn about the academic programs, extracurricular activities, residential living, and application process at Wake Forest. Through this interactive information session, you will have the opportunity to ask us questions through the Q&A feature.

Each session will last approximately 45 minutes.

Virtual Information Session with the First in the Forest Office

From 2019 to 2023, there has been a 45% increase of first-generation college students at Wake Forest, signaling our commitment to being a welcoming destination for FGEN applicants.

Future First in the Forest Virtual Information Session dates will be provided here once that information is available.

Upcoming Virtual Information Session Dates
Thursday, March 67 p.m. ETRegister Now

Distinctively Wake

Join the Admissions team as we dig deeper into what it means to be a Demon Deacon. These virtual events will cover topics ranging from student life and academics, to career opportunities and study abroad, allowing you to learn the ins and outs of being at Wake Forest. Bring your questions to engage in a lively conversation with the Admissions team and a current student, to help you determine your next steps.

Each session will last approximately 45 minutes.

Upcoming Distinctively Wake Dates
Monday, March 184 p.m. ETRegister Now

International Hour

If you’re a student from outside the United States, please consider joining us to discuss any questions you might have with Mame Mor Ndiaye, our Associate Dean of Admissions who works specifically with international applicants. This session is not a structured presentation. Instead, we’re hoping that you will come ready to engage with the Office of Admissions to learn more about Wake Forest from an international perspective. If you have specific questions about transitioning to Wake Forest from living abroad, this is the space to find answers. 

Each session will last approximately 45 minutes.

Upcoming International Hour Dates
There are no scheduled events at this time.

Accessibility Info

Wake Forest’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions is dedicated to accessibility in our campus-visit experiences. If you need assistance with accessibility or have accessibility questions, please contact Dawn Calhoun at or 336.758.5201 at least three working days in advance of your visit.

For your information…

Curiosity can’t be contained in a Welcome Center, so we’ve brought insider knowledge of Wake Forest to this virtual space. Dean of Admissions Karen Vargas and Associate Dean of Admissions Thomas Ray, along with a host of administrators from throughout Wake Forest’s campus, are here with a veritable factstravaganza—to give you the answers you need.

Clock iconTime needed to watch: 30 min

Choose your own chapter.

Don’t have time to watch it all in one sitting? Do you prefer to view specific topics instead? No problem! Below, choose the chapter(s) in which you’re interested.