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While our admissions committee invites the final few students to join the Class of 2027, we know that many are eager to begin their own admissions journey. To help you prepare, here are a few things to keep in mind: 

  • Our admissions application will become available on August 1. 
  • We will accept the Common Application, and the Coalition, Powered by SCOIR, Application. Your experience will be the same, no matter which application you choose, and both applications are evaluated in the same manner. 
  • Each applicant has the opportunity to “share their voice” by responding to the questions in our supplement, completing a virtual interview with an admissions representative, or submitting a recorded video. Please be aware that you must first submit an application for admission before you are eligible to complete an interview or submit the video. You should expect to receive an email that provides further instructions and details about the interview and the video – again, after submitting an application. 
  • November 15, 2023, is an important date to remember: it is our Early Decision I deadline, the deadline to request an interview, AND our priority deadline for merit-based scholarship consideration (for all applicants). So please plan accordingly!

There is much more to share, but we hope you will spend some time exploring our admissions website for further details. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us

Warmest regards,

Wake Forest University Office of Undergraduate Admissions

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