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I sincerely hope this post finds you well. As you are pursuing end-of-the-year exams and preparing to gather with loved ones during the winter holidays, I want to share a few notes of wisdom:

  • Give yourself some grace and space to breathe. You are almost half-way through this academic year! You’ve worked extremely hard, and I encourage you to treat yourself to at least five minutes (or more) of “reflection” time to embrace all that you have accomplished in the past few months.  
  • You may feel a bit overwhelmed by the excitement (and, on occasion, disappointment) that this time of year may bring. I encourage you to make space for something that you enjoy! If you’re anything like me, baking some of my favorite sweets, catching up with an old friend, and watching movies on “My List” on Netflix, which I’ve put off for a while, are quick ways to liven my day.
  • Know that there are people who care for you — whether they are your family (biological or chosen), your pet(s), or your friends. Your admissions counseling team at Wake Forest is here for you too! Please know that we are happy to answer any questions that you may have as you progress through the application process. (For instance, if you are interested in pursuing Early Decision II, I encourage you to check out our previous blog.)

I wish you a blissful and restful holiday season!


Janessa Dunn, Associate Dean of Admissions, Wake Forest University

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