Applied Mathematics

Bachelor of Science

Focused on using math to solve problems, Applied Mathematics will prepare students for careers in engineering and all other science areas, for that matter.

Did You Know?

  • Five Applied Mathematics majors have been named Goldwater Scholars since 2019.
  • The new Applied Mathematics major celebrated its first graduates in 2021-22.


Sample courses for students studying Applied Mathematics include:

  • Applied Multivariable Mathematics
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Statistical Inference
  • Linear Models

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Practical Experience & Skills

Applied Mathematics includes statistics, numerical analysis and other computer related mathematics, operations research, actuarial science, economics, and others, in addition to the traditional applications in the physical and engineering sciences. Advanced work in these applied areas builds heavily on an adequate background in the traditional pure areas, although the student may take beginning courses in these applied areas as an undergraduate.

Students in this program will develop the following skills:

  • Analytical skills
  • Comfort with abstract concepts
  • Creativity
  • Independent thinking
  • Logical manner of thinking
  • Patience
  • Persistence
  • Recognition of patterns and hidden similarities within groups of data
  • Strong problem solving skills

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Clubs & Organizations

Applied Mathematics students participate in the following clubs and organizations:

  • Association of Computing Machinery (Student chapter)
  • Sports Analytics Club
  • STEM Academy

Career Outcomes

Careers that often interest Applied Mathematics majors include:

  • Actuary
  • Data analytics
  • Financial analyst
  • Operation research analyst
  • Statistical analyst

Ready to take the next step?

Related Programs

Those who are interested in Applied Mathematics also consider the following programs:


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