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Studying abroad is a dream, and Wake Forest will help you to make it a reality.

Most Wake Forest students choose to study abroad/away. In fact, 80% of our undergraduates have an academic study-abroad experience. This number is among the highest in the nation and puts us perennially in the Top Five for study-abroad participation. We offer customized advising through the Center for Global Programs & Studies, where students meet one-on-one with an advisor to find the best study-abroad program for them.

Many of those courses are directly through Wake Forest. Our university owns three residential-house programs in London, Vienna, and Venice. (We’re actually the only Top Thirty national university to own three international houses.) In addition, we operate other semester-length, center-based programs in Spain, England, Japan, Chile, and France. We offer programs in Washington, D.C. too. All give time for scholarly pursuit – but also the experiential sort, allowing time to wander, explore, and discover.

And, importantly, we offer scholarships to help you to study abroad. GPS provides $500,000 annually in study abroad/away specific scholarships. These awards are both need- and merit-based.

Studying abroad is a dream, but the experience is indelible, and we hope to give you the chance to expand your worldview, to engage the buzzing, humming world – to make the dream a waking one.

Categories: Academics, General

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