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The poet Walt Whitman believed in moral change.

Wake Forest does too – that everyone is capable of a higher moral intention.

We call this altruism Pro Humanitate – “for humanity” – and, like Whitman, we believe it can be achieved through a variety of artistic, scientific, and technological accomplishments.

After all, moral purpose should be a continual act of discovery, which technologies enable, and science gives us concrete ways to make a difference beyond imagining it.

For instance –

Our associate provost and director of dance Christina Soriano and her students teach movement classes to people living with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases in an effort to increase their balance, mobility, range of motion, and quality of life.

Engineering professor Michael Gross and his classes conduct after-school science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) labs with underserved elementary students.

And politics and international affairs professor Michaelle Browers, East Asian languages and cultures and communication professor Alessandra von Burg, and Arabic language professor Darlene May chartered a chapter of Every Campus a Refuge to welcome refugee families using campus resources. They have partnered with the Student Association for the Advancement of Refugees (SAFAR) to assist families with housing, doctors’ visits, tutoring, and employment consultation.

To be a part of transformations like these, if you are an admitted student and have not committed to Wake Forest already, simply remember that the decision deadline is May 1 and that you may secure your seat by visiting your status portal. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at!

Selfless giving is learned at home, and your college home should be a part of that education.

Warmest regards,

Eric Maguire
Vice-President for Enrollment
Wake Forest University

Categories: Academics
