Computer Science

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Arts


Computer Science deals with the logical and mathematical foundations of computing, techniques for solving problems with computer programs, and the technical underpinnings of computer hardware and networks.

Did You Know?

  • As one of the first American universities to recognize the necessity of a laptop computer for every student, Wake Forest has been out front in a discipline that never stops updating itself. Computer Science students can engage in 10 distinct areas of the field, including mobile computing; computing for people with disabilities; computational biophysics; and big data. 
  • Recent student research projects have developed and deployed mobile apps for a wide range of public benefits, including assistive and rehabilitative therapy; real-time vehicle tracking; and geotrekking. 
  • Student teams participate in several unique intercollegiate competitions each year.
  • The department offers a fellowship that rewards entrepreneurship. 
  • Computer Science is one of the fastest growing majors at Wake Forest, having jumped from 102 total students in Spring 2014 to 181 in Spring 2023.
  • Over the past five years (2019-23), it ranks 10th overall and eighth in Wake Forest College among graduates.


Sample courses for students studying Computer Science include:

  • Algorithm Design and Analysis
  • Computer Architecture
  • Computer Graphics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Mining

View official major requirements »

Practical Experience & Skills

If you’re a computer science major, you live in a world of acronyms: HTML, TCP/IP, MS, IT, OS—and the list changes constantly. Keeping up with new technologies might seem daunting, but luckily for you, students with computer savvy are in high demand in a variety of different fields. Whether you have stellar programming skills, networking know-how, or have just designed your own web page, it’s important to complement your computer science major with an internship.

Students in this program will develop the following skills:

  • Ability to trace problems to their sources
  • Analyzing communication situations
  • Skilled at clarifying problems or situations
  • Systematizing/organizing material
  • Organizing/classifying data
  • Able to anticipate and diagnose problems
  • Perceiving/defining cause and effect relationships
  • Decision-making
  • Proficiency for accuracy and detail
  • Ability to work under pressure

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Clubs & Organizations

Computer Science students participate in the following clubs and organizations:

Career Outcomes

Careers that often interest Computer Science majors include:

  • Analyst
  • Applications Research Programmer
  • Application Specialist
  • Consultant
  • Computer Systems/Software Sales Representative
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Processing Manager
  • Database Administrator
  • Educator
  • Engineer
  • Network Manager
  • Programmer
  • Project Manager
  • Software Engineer
  • Systems Administrator
  • Systems Engineer
  • Technician

Recent graduates have worked as data analysts in the U.S. military; app developers in banking; financial consultants; and cyber security engineers, among other professions.

Ready to take the next step?

Related Programs

Those who are interested in Computer Science also consider the following programs:


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2023-24 Undergraduate Viewbook