Bachelor of Arts

The Critical and Creative Media major coheres around the history, theory, and practice of media in a way that has integrity. Our focus on the history, ethics, analysis, theory, and production of media is very much tied to transnational and transmedia approaches to production and curriculum.

Did You Know?

  • Media Studies has a long history at Wake Forest University, beginning in the Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts dating back to 1958.


Sample courses for students studying Critical & Creative Media include:

  • Broadcast Journalism
  • Debate and Advocacy
  • Media Theory and Criticism
  • Screenwriting
  • Imagination Project

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Practical Experience & Skills

Faculty have included students in their creative and scholarly work, a collaboration between faculty and students that builds exceptional engagement. Text, media, creative practices, and pedagogy are consistently interrogated for their effectiveness in teaching the material and also in their promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Students in this program will develop the following skills:

  • New and emergent media
  • Screen production
  • Media archives
  • Digital humanities
  • Identity technologies

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Career Outcomes

Careers that often interest Critical & Creative Media majors include:

  • Communication Specialist
  • Digital Marketing
  • Editorial Assistant
  • Filmmaker
  • Journalist
  • Producer
  • Production Assistant
  • Social Media Specialist
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Video Editor

Ready to take the next step?

Related Programs

Those who are interested in Critical & Creative Media also consider the following programs:


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