
Bachelor of Science


Whether it’s prototyping or refining a product, creating a smarter financial investing model, designing more resilient infrastructure, inventing a piece of surgical equipment, or consulting on a sustainable energy project, WFU engineers deploy a vast skill set and are committed to inventing and innovating systems, processes, and materials. Infused with a healthy and productive liberal arts component, the Engineering program at Wake Forest transcends science and math to produce benefits for humanity.

Did You Know?

  • Wake Forest’s program in Engineering celebrated its first graduating class in 2021 and earned full national certification on time in August 2022.
  • Senior capstone research projects have involved: an algorithm that helps physicians treat appendiceal cancer; a sensor-activated system for tracheostomy patients; a prosthetic heart valve for pediatric patients; efficient housing solutions for Habitat for Humanity; and several other vital initiatives.
  • Women represent the majority of tenured and tenure-tracked faculty. National average: 16%. Women represent approximately 40% of Engineering students. National average: 25%. 
  • Approximately 60% of Engineering graduates have held leadership positions in campus organizations.


Sample courses for students studying Engineering include:

  • Introduction to Engineering Design
  • Embedded Microcontroller Systems
  • Computational Modeling in Engineering
  • Capstone Design
  • Digital Electronics

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Practical Experience & Skills

Each Wake Forest Engineering Major receives a tailored program of study. This program is developed in consultation with faculty, a major advisor, and program leaders. Students may pursue a concentration in Biomedical, Civil & Environmental, Electrical, Materials & Chemical, or Mechanical Engineering.

Students develop impactful and relevant skills to:

  • Solve complex problems
  • Create systems-based efficiencies
  • Create novel products and solutions
  • Envision ways to conserve and optimize resources
  • Collaborate with a team to reach defined goals and objectives

Other skills you will develop in this program are:

  • Design process
  • Programming
  • Computer-aided design (CAD)
  • 3D printing
  • Teamwork
  • Creativity
  • Communication
  • Attention to detail
  • Prototyping
  • Data analysis
  • Systems modeling
  • Presentation skills
  • Leadership

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Clubs & Organizations

Engineering students participate in the following clubs and organizations:

  • STEM Academy
  • Society of Women Engineers
  • Robotics Club

Career Outcomes

Careers that often interest Engineering majors include:

  • Biochemical or Biomedical Engineers
  • Chemical Engineers
  • Civil Engineers
  • Electrical Engineers
  • Energy
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial Engineers
  • Manufacturing Engineers
  • Materials Engineers
  • Mechanical Engineers
  • Nanosystems Engineers
  • Nuclear Engineers
  • Renewable Energy Engineers
  • Robotics Engineers

Graduates in the inaugural cohort of 2021 are working as cloud solutions engineers; research and development engineers in pharmaceuticals; healthcare analysts; supply-chain engineers; and portfolio managers, among other careers.

Ready to take the next step?

Related Programs

Those who are interested in Engineering also consider the following programs:


At Wake Forest, we have lots of good stories to share, so we hope you’ll get to know us. Browse our Viewbook to learn more.

2023-24 Undergraduate Viewbook