
Bachelor of Arts


Sociology involves a scientific study of social groupings, institutions, occupations, education, personal experience and several other areas. Binding every item on that list is a fearless commitment to responsible scholarship.

Did You Know?

  • In 2008, Wake Forest surprised many of its fellow research institutions by becoming the first Top-30 National University to go test-optional in admissions. The guidance for this decision came in large part from the work of Dr. Joseph Soares, whose research indicates performance in high school – not on standardized tests – best predicts college achievement. 
  • The Sociology major offers concentrations in crime and criminal justice; business and society; and social determinants of health and wellbeing. 
  • In recent graduating classes (2019-23), Sociology has ranked 11th among all majors and ninth in Wake Forest College in popularity.


Sample courses for students studying Sociology include:

  • Contemporary Families
  • Social Statistics
  • Sociology of Religion
  • Conflict Management in Organizations
  • Sociology of Sports and Art Worlds

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Practical Experience & Skills

The Sociology program at Wake Forest is particularly strong in the subject areas of stratification, race, gender, gerontology, economic organization, education, religion, culture, research methods and theory.

Students in this program will develop the following skills:

  • Knowledge of social facts
  • Understanding of the logic of social research
  • Appreciation of social science as a collective and public minded vocation
  • Knowledge of statistics including regression analysis
  • Familiarity with ethnographic and historical research
  • Familiarity with organizational and institutional dynamics
  • Knowledge of racial, gender, and class disparities
  • Knowledge of the history of social theory
  • Analytic and critical cognitive skills
  • Extensive verbal and written communication skills
  • Capacity to conduct and report original research

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Clubs & Organizations

Sociology students participate in the following clubs and organizations:

Career Outcomes

Careers that often interest Sociology majors include:

  • Adoption Agency Case Worker
  • Attorney
  • Case Manager
  • Clinical Assistant
  • Consultant
  • Counselor
  • Criminologist
  • Employment Recruiter
  • Hospice Coordinator
  • Human Resources Specialist
  • Lobbyist
  • Mental Health Assistant
  • Peace Corps Volunteer
  • Physician
  • Prevention Educator
  • Probation Officer
  • Psychologist
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Recreation Specialist
  • Residential Counselor
  • Social Worker
  • Volunteer Coordinator

Among the distinguished alumni of Sociology at Wake Forest: Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Pat Foote (’52), the first woman officer to command an Army brigade in Europe.

Other Sociology graduates include banking executives; epidemiologists and other medical doctors; police commanders; attorneys; and leaders in several other sectors.

Ready to take the next step?

Related Programs

Those who are interested in Sociology also consider the following programs:


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2023-24 Undergraduate Viewbook