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Wake Downtown

Explore Wake Downtown

Wake Downtown is the locus of Wake Forest University’s three new undergraduate academic programs in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (BMB), Medicinal Chemistry & Drug Discovery, and Engineering. In addition to the three anchor programs, Wake Downtown also serves as an interdisciplinary hub, hosting courses from academic departments in the arts and humanities that benefit from the building’s innovative teaching spaces and urban setting.

Families are encouraged to take the tour of Wake Downtown at 1:00 p.m. You may ride the shuttle from Benson University Center to Wake Downtown. Shuttles depart Benson Circle at  XX:25 and XX:55 and depart Wake Downtown XX:10 and XX:40 to return to campus. Shuttles run Monday-Friday, from 7:25 a.m. – 8:55 p.m.

Wake Downtown Virtual Tour

Take a virtual tour of Wake Downtown and learn more about the various features of the building, research taking place, and some of the academic programs housed here.