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Late last week, we released admissions decisions to those students with complete Early Decision II applications. (If you have not yet checked your admissions status portal, please be sure to do so!) 

For those admitted to the Wake Forest Class of 2029, congratulations! We are excited about your joining our community and look forward to inviting you to events that will allow you to meet your classmates, learn more about the student experience, and understand what to do before arriving on campus in August.

To those students who were waitlisted, this blog post will be most helpful to you. 

First, it’s important to understand that your admissions decision is not the same as your being on our active waitlist. If the time comes when we decide to invite students to join our newest first-year class, we will only consider those students who have joined the active waitlist. 

To join the active waitlist, please simply log in to your admissions status portal. There, you will find the “Decision Reply Form.” Please complete that form, indicating the last date that you would like to be considered for admission; then, submit it.

Next, after you have taken some time to process your admissions decision, email your admissions representative. If you are not sure who that is, be sure to visit our website for more information. (Please write to the person who reviews applications from the state where your high school is located, not where you live. This includes international applicants who attend schools in the United States.) While we are happy to hear about your successes in your community and any developments since your application submission, the Admissions Committee is particularly interested in receiving updates about your academic work. Additionally, if you are applying for financial aid and have not yet completed the application process, please do that at your earliest convenience. 

And that’s all you need to do! Continue to work hard in the classroom, be engaged in the communities of which you are a part, and know that you’ve done all that you need to do.

On our end, we will monitor enrollment carefully over the next few months, and, in late April, our team will gather to determine how many additional students we will have the opportunity to admit. The number of students admitted from the waitlist varies from year to year, and it’s too early at this point to say how many students we will need. We understand that being a member of the Wake Forest University Class of 2029 is a goal for many of you – thank you, in advance, for your patience.

As you continue your college search, keep in mind enrollment deadlines at the other institutions to which you’ve applied and been admitted; don’t risk losing your seat in those incoming classes in hopes of receiving an admissions offer from us.

Our active waitlist will be composed of phenomenal students: those who have pursued curricula that pushed them to see the world in new ways; those who have improved their local communities beyond what they imagined; and, in some instances, those who negotiated the uncertainty of another unusual academic year. No matter where your search takes you from here, we know that you’ll enrich that campus community in meaningful ways.

Warmest regards, 
Wake Forest University Office of Undergraduate Admissions

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