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Later this evening, we will make admissions decisions available for those students with complete Early Decision II applications. As a reminder, all decisions will be posted to the status portal

For those admitted to the Wake Forest Class of 2028, congratulations! We are excited about your joining our community and look forward to inviting you to events that will allow you to meet your classmates, learn more about the student experience, and understand what to do before arriving on campus in August. 

To those students who were waitlisted, our admissions committee will only consider for admission those applicants who join the active waitlist. It’s important for you to understand that your admissions decision is not the same as your being on our active waitlist. To join the active waitlist, please simply log in to your admissions status portal. There, you will find the “Decision Reply Form.” Please complete that form, indicating the last date that you would like to be considered for admission; then, submit it. We will monitor enrollment carefully over the next few months, and, in late April, the admissions committee will gather to discuss how many additional students we will have the opportunity to admit. The number of students admitted from the waitlist varies from year to year, and it’s too early at this point to say how many students we will need. We would encourage you to visit our blog in late April and/or early May for updates – and, importantly, for information about a webinar we will hold, where we will share advice for navigating the waitlist process. As you continue your college search, please keep in mind enrollment deadlines at the other institutions to which you’ve applied and been admitted; don’t risk losing your seat in those incoming classes in hopes of receiving an admissions offer from us. 

Finally, a note for those students not selected for admission: we have great confidence you will find a wonderful home for your undergraduate education, and we wish you the very best in your future educational pursuits. 

Warmest regards, 

Wake Forest University Office of Undergraduate Admissions

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