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As the clock springs ahead and the flowers begin to bloom, we are, again, nearing the point of welcoming a new class of Wake Forest Demon Deacons to our campus. Each year, we find ourselves in awe of our applicants as they balance the demands of challenging coursework along with meaningful contributions to the communities in which they live. This year is no different, but we first pause to recognize the time, effort, and energy all have exerted to seek out, and apply to, Wake Forest University. Wherever your journey leads, we wish you every success. 

The Wake Forest University Office of Undergraduate Admissions received, processed, and reviewed nearly 17,000 applications for admission for a first-year class of only about 1400 students. Of those who attended a school that provides rank, 94% of our admitted class was in the Top 20% of their graduating class. Of those who were admitted and submitted test scores, the average SAT was a 1480 and the average ACT was a 33. Our admitted class also represents a multitude of backgrounds and lived experiences, and continues to reflect our efforts to grow representation of Pell and first-generation students as well as ethnic diversity. We are proud, for the second consecutive year, to have admitted the most diverse class in our university’s history. 

Today is the day. 

It is with much excitement that we share that, later this evening, we will make admissions decisions available to those students with completed applications. You should first expect to receive an email, prompting you to check your status page, where you can review your admissions decision. To those of you who will be admitted, congratulations! We look forward to connecting with you over the coming weeks. Please keep an eye on your email inbox for additional details about on-campus and virtual programming between now and “Decision Day” – May 1. (We hope to hear from you by then!) And a word about financial aid: for students who met the financial aid priority filing date, financial aid notifications will be available through the admissions portal on Wednesday, March 22, at 8:00 p.m. Financial aid letters will continue to be released on a rolling basis through the end of April (and beyond, for those who are enrolled). 

While we celebrate the students who will be initially admitted to the Wake Forest Class of 2027, we recognize the various emotions that come along with any other decision. Selecting students to fill our class is always a difficult task – this year proved to be especially difficult. Our admissions decisions are based on many considerations, and each student is evaluated thoroughly and individually. We will have more information for those students invited to join the waitlist in the coming days. And for those students who were not offered admission or an opportunity to join the waitlist, we do hope you find the place that fulfills you – both academically and personally. 

Warmest regards,

Wake Forest University Office of Undergraduate Admissions

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