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At Wake Forest University, we want you to learn about this remarkable place, filled with incredibly talented people who want to engage with the world in impactful ways.

And we want to learn about you too, your incredible talents, and the ways you seek to engage with the world.

We do that through your application – as well as your optional virtual interview or optional video interview.

The virtual interview is a 25-minute conversation, in which we’ll ask about your intellectual curiosity, character, community, and sense of inclusion and open-mindedness.

The video interview will ask you to answer one of our conceptually provocative prompts in a two-to-three-minute video that you submit to us.

If you view the optional virtual interview as a fundamental piece of your application, then we encourage you to apply well before the deadline so that you may request an interview early. (Keep in mind, you must request an interview within five days of submitting your application.) The earlier in the fall you request an interview, the greater interview availability there will be.

But don’t forget about the optional video interview as a choice. Though you still need to submit the video interview within five days of submitting your application, the video interview allows you more flexibility because you don’t need to schedule an interview appointment.

Both the optional virtual interview and the optional video interview are great ways for us to get to know you better. Or, don’t forget, you may simply let your application speak for itself! We’ve designed it to communicate your personality, perspectives, and academic passions.

Please remember, the virtual or video interview is optional. Know that we invite, but by no means require, an interview in the admissions process.

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to us at or 336.758.5201.

Warmest regards,
Wake Forest University Office of Undergraduate Admissions
